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Re: PATCH: develop.html -- release schedules

[ -> gcc-patches again, due to further patch. ;-) ]

On 16 May 2002, Steven Bosscher wrote:
>>    GCC 3.1 Stage 2 (ended Dec 19 2001)         GCC 3.0.3 release (Dec 20 2001)
> Shouldn't 3.0.4 be mentioned here too, or is it your policy to mention
> only *planned* releases?

Neither, nor. ;-)  This is mostly ment to be a rought schedule.  However,
I have added 3.0.4 (and 3.2.1) with the patch below.

>> +       v                                      GCC 3.1.2 release (Sep 15 2002)
>> +  GCC 3.2 Stage 3 (ends Oct 15 2002)                 \
>> +       |                                              v
>> +       v                                     [GCC 3.1.3 release (Nov 15 2002)]
> Why the brackets for 3.1.3?

It's "optional" and will only released if required (though, deducing
from history, there are good chances we'll see a 3.1.3.)


Index: develop.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/develop.html,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -3 -p -r1.14 develop.html
--- develop.html	16 May 2002 07:34:41 -0000	1.14
+++ develop.html	16 May 2002 22:26:11 -0000
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ stages of development, branch points, an
        |                                             \
        v                                              v
   GCC 3.1 Stage 2 (ended Dec 19 2001)         GCC 3.0.3 release (Dec 20 2001)
-       |                                               :
-       v                                               :
-  GCC 3.1 Stage 3 (ends Feb 15 2002)
+       |                                               \
+       v                                                v
+  GCC 3.1 Stage 3 (ends Feb 15 2002)          GCC 3.0.3 release (Feb 20 2001)
        +-- GCC 3.1 branch created ---------+
        |                                    \
@@ -258,7 +258,9 @@ stages of development, branch points, an
        |                                    \
        :                                     v
        :                                      GCC 3.2 release (Dec 15 2002)
-       :                                          :
+       :                                       \
+                                                v
+                                              GCC 3.2.1 release (Feb 15 2003)


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