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gcc 3.1PR implicit typename depricated warnings and errors

gcc3.1 PR - if I follow the suggestions from the compiler and place a 
'typename' in the given place ( see where theTYPENAME_SYNTAX_ERROR macro 
expands) the gcc 3.1 compiler complains that it's a syntax error to do 
so. The code below is demonstrates this - uncomment the 'typename' 
keyword from the macro to demonstrate the compiler's syntax error report 
or leave it commented and experience a warning.

Any suggestions on working around this one - I like leaving the warnings 
enabled but I'd also like to leave the code compiling.

#============= snip =======================

#include <list>

template< class client_base, class service_base>
class TMPL_A;

template< class client_base, class service_base>
class TMPL_B;

template< class client_base, class service_base>
class TMPL_C {

    typedef TMPL_A< client_base,service_base> * t_elem_type;

    typedef std::list< t_elem_type >            t_x_list;

    typedef typename t_x_list::iterator         t_x_iter;

    typedef typename std::list< t_x_iter >      t_x_iter_list;

    typedef typename t_x_iter_list::iterator    t_x_iter_iter;


// ======== TMPL_A ===============================
 *  TMPL_A is a template for Service handler for
 *  a client.

template< class client_base, class service_base>
class TMPL_A
  : public client_base,
    public TMPL_C<client_base,service_base>

#define TYPENAME_SYNTAX_ERROR //typename

// define some members

    TYPENAME_SYNTAX_ERROR t_x_iter            m_my_iter;

    TMPL_B<client_base,service_base>        * m_my_service;

    // some more stuff goes here


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