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Re: CPP macro for Byte-order

Gaby writes:
>   I'm currently working on the numeric_limits<> support for floating
> point types (mainly for things like NaNs, SNaNs, Infinities,
> subnormals and such) in the C++ runtime system.  I would like to know
> whether there is a CPP macro that defines the endianness selected for
> compiling a given program under a given OS.  Any hints?

There's nothing that I know of that's provided standard by the OS.
And clearly configure won't work because of cross-compilation.

On the other hand, the gcc backends define BITS_BIG_ENDIAN,
solve the problem of detecting NaNs and the like).  Perhaps these
definitions can just be collected, with appropriate ifdefs based on
preprocessor symbols defined by gcc, so that correct endian-ness will be
selected on all ports and OSes where we have a backend.

If this approach is followed (define a macro based on the port, determine
the port by preprocessor constants that gcc defines for that port), then
it would be a good idea to cause a syntax error to be generated if someone
tries to build it for an unsupported port.

Another approach, that would impose a bit of runtime overhead, would be
to have a runtime test.  Something like

const int __endian_detect = 1;

inline bool __little_endian() { return *(char *)&__endian_detect == 1;}

In principle the optimizer can constant-fold this, so perhaps there would
not be any runtime overhead.  If so, it would be a good solution.

There would be an issue with ports in which int and char are the same
size (the DSP targets: c4x and dsp16xx).

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