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Re: SIMPLE: A language-independent tree IR

On Mon, 2002-01-07 at 05:58, Joseph S. Myers wrote:

> How are you representing the *partial* order constraints represented by 
> sequence points?  The description of SIMPLE you gave suggests that it 
> fully serialises expression evaluation - but there should be a 
> language-independent representation in which the partial order constraints 
> are explicitly represented.
So far, I think we could use sequence or barrier nodes.  So that
front-ends could emit something like:


> How are you representing the Fortran reassociation constraints?  How are
> you representing the various forms of restriction on floating point
> evaluation (C99, Java) discussed?
Non-associative operators could be used here.  But I haven't thought
about these too much.  Suggestions are very much welcome.  I suspect
we'll iterate over different options as we convert other front-ends. 
I'm hoping somebody from the Java and Fortran FEs will volunteer to work
on those.

> Since you are defining a new format that is supposed to have entirely
> language-independent semantics, I trust you'll be committing full
> documentation for these semantics


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