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Re: selecting the right target...

On Wed, 2001-12-19 at 10:52, Phil Blundell wrote:
> >I would be glad if somebody would be kind to tell me which is better:
> > - take the existing arm-uclinux target and override
> >	(START|END)FILE_SPEC with those from unknown-elf.h
> Do this one.  The fact that it gets the name of crt0.o wrong at the moment is
> just a bug.

Ok, did this. But the problem is that the crtbegin/crtend.o contain a
lot more functions than they do for the arm-elf target.

The "flat" binary format we use with uclinux does not have the .init and
.fini sections so all these global_[cd]tors support routines can go
away. What is the Right Way[tm] to do this? (I'll have a look around and
try to #undef some things, but I don't know which ones are the right

Basically, both files can be just empty for uclinux. (As it is now with
the arm-elf target on 2.95).

greets from Zürich
-- vbi

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