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RE: problem

Dale wrote:

> I require a working gcc and after downloading it from your site it
> I am very disappointed in that it must be compiled to install and
> my problem is my environment lacks a compiler to do this.

You can find links to precompiled GCC binaries on the GCC site:

> Since I cannot say exactly what my environment is, since it is a
> stripped MachTen derivative, several programs are missing that
> stop me from upgrading or midifying my environment since every
> time I issue the command './configure' I get the following.

I haven't heard of MachTen, but if you run a copy of the GNU
config.guess script (in most free software source distributions, or
available for download from the 'config' directory of a GNU mirror) then
you'll obtain a 'target triple' that describes your machine. You could
use that to guess which binary may be suitable (although your output
fragment suggests PPC and I don't see any PPC binaries on the page).

If it comes to it, you can use another system to cross-compile GCC.
You'll need a system with working GCC (you could use a free OS such as
GNU/Linux temporarily on a PC, for example), source for GCC and binutils
and the contents of /usr/include from your MachTen, plus /lib and
/usr/lib but not their subdirectories. Then combine the binutils and GCC
source trees at the top level (untar to the same place or use find and
cpio to link them) and build them

    --target=<machten triple from config.guess>
    --with-libs=<path to /lib copy>
    --with-libs=<path to /usr/lib copy>
    --with-headers=<path to /usr/include copy>

Then make and install that compiler and use it to build a native
compiler for your machten:

    --build=<build host triple>
    --host=<machten triple>
    --target=<machten triple>

I find it easiest to then NFS-mount the build machine from your MachTen
and 'make install' the native compiler across NFS.

Good luck,

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