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Re: auto-sync of top-level 'include' & 'config' directories?

> If the GCC repo is supposed to be the master source,

Well, that is the question, isn't it?

> then shouldn't they already (in theory) be funneled through
> gcc-patches?

Currently, they get applied to either side as needed, and migrated to
the other through the usual patch channels.  This change would mean
that the binutils/gdb/newlib/cygwin folks would *always* need to get
gcc approval *before* fixing bugs they find, rather than at least
being able to apply the patches to their repository right away so they
can continue working.

In practice, though, it's been working OK that way for libiberty.  And
I try to be extra responsive to those kinds of requests, knowing that
many non-gcc projects rely on them being handled quickly.

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