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expression templates (ET) and optimizer for C++


on weekend I build the 3.0.1 release with Kurt's inlining heuristicpatch. After
compiling the example from blitz and studying the produced asm-x86 code:
it looks terrible. Some of the (very small!) static inline member functions are
not inlined on all optimizing levels. The gcc-2.96 from mandrake dist produced
better results. I don't attached code here (only if one is more interested
in). The code shows (I'm not an guru) many indirekt adressing and, as
montioned before, not inlined member functions like

template<class T>
struct foo {
	static inline double apply(T x) { return std::sqrt(x); }

The inline-limit was tested up to 1500, which doesn't changed anything. Are
there more experience fon ET here ?


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