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Re: g77: 'D' edit descriptor?

Craig Prescott wrote:

>       double precision dnum
>       dnum = 1.
>       write(6,100)dnum
>  100  format(1x,d9.2)
>       end
> With g77, this produces:
> $ g77 -o junk junk.F
> $ ./junk
>   0.10E+01
> I don't know what the f77 standard has to say about this, if anything,
> but shouldn't the output be:
>   0.10D+01

No, see:

Edit descriptor		Absolute value of	Form of
			the Exponent		the Exponent


| Dw.d			| |exp|<=99        | D+z z  or E+z z  |
|			|                  |    1 2       1 2 |
|			|                  | or + z z         |
|			|                  |       1 2        |


Hope this helps,

Toon Moene - - phoneto: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Maintainer, GNU Fortran 77:
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