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Re: What is acceptable for -ffast-math? (Gabriel Dos_Reis)  wrote on 01.08.01 in <>:

> | <<We're talking here of transformations which we do know able to
> | drastically change the results.
> | >>
> |
> | Words like drastically are not particularly helpful in this discussion,
> | plain "change" would be just fine.
> Do you think changing 0.125 to 0.0 is not drastic?

That depends entirely on the context, obviously. If it's a pixel position,  
for example, it's completely meaningless.

And anyway you needed to go right to the edge of the data type to do that.  
Calculating on the edge (and needing precision) is precisely the situation  
where you switch optimization *off*.

Sure, with 64 bit floats, that edge is a lot closer than with larger  
types. So?

Some work can't be done with those. So? Some work can't be done with 32  
bit floats, either. Or with ints. Nothing new about that.

MfG Kai

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