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Re: Ada front end for gcc 3.0?

<<OTOH, the GCC 3.0 release are unlikely to provide an Ada frontend; the
inclusion is planned for GCC 3.1 or even a later release (but you
could get it via anonymous CVS as soon as the files have been
committed to the repository, release or no release).

Exactly, and the other thing we have to do is to set up the availability
of suitable versions of the binary for bootstrapping. As in the case of
C (you need a C compiler to install GNU C), for Ada, you need a GNAT
compiler to install GNAT, but not everyone has an Ada compiler on their
machine :-) (or perhaps it should be sad face!)

But you don't actually need a full install of GNAT to bootstrap just the
binaries of gnat1 and gnatbind, so we will make sure these binaries are
easily available for bootstrapping purposes (our plan is to make these
available on the libre site at -- we put that site in
France, because in France libre and gratuit don't get mixed up :-)

At this stage we actually have everything ready to go, and so with a little
bit of luck, now that GCC 3.0 is out, you will see the GNAT sources arrive.

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