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Makefile for gcc, Oracle Pro*C under Solaris


nearby a simple makefile for use under Solaris with Oracle PRO*C.
Tested with Solairs 2.6, Oracle 8.0.5 and gcc 2.95.2.
The original makefiles from Oracle are not usefull when trying to compile 
PRO*C with gcc and they are very complicated.

The use of gcc and PRO*C is very simple.

Install PRO*C from Oracle CD, install gcc, Use the dba account, add the 
path to $PATH in .profile to find make an gcc.
Copy makefile into $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc.

Change the projekt names to the projects you wan't to compile (Last 5 lines 
from the all: tag).

Start compile with make all and run the sample.

That's all folks. It's just as easy as that. The makefile is very simple 
and easy to understood.

Best regards

P.S. Why use such PERL as CGI? C and C++ is almost ever the best even for 
CGI Programming!
It's simple and most powerfull and :  It's just as simple as 



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