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Hello gcc,

> Consider the simple example of a file test.c that includes the file
> test.h, and the command line
> /usr/bin/gcc -MD -c test.c -o subdir/bar.o With previous versions of
> CPP, this command line would leave a file test.d in the current
> directory, and its contents would be
> test.o: test.c test.h which is pretty useless. The latest versions
> of CPP instead do what you probably want - they make the target
> subdir/bar.o, place the dependency file in the same directory as the
> object file, and name it after the object file. Thus in the file
> subdir/bar.d you will find
>       subdir/bar.o: test.c test.h
That's great thing indeed, however, some old Makefiles rely on that
broken behavior (and so does mine). Thought this new behavior is
better, should it be default ??

Best regards,

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