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Re: gcc2_compiled. vs GCC 3.0

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Jim Wilson wrote:

> In article <> you write:
> >Is there still any need for "gcc2_compiled" or it's just historic
> >bagage and it can be yanked?
> It is historic baggage that should be yanked.
> There are various problems that the gcc2_compiled label creates, so it would
> be good to get rid of it.

Can we also get rid of '.version "01.01"', as in config/linux.h:

#define ASM_FILE_START(FILE)                                            \
  do {                                                                  \
        output_file_directive (FILE, main_input_filename);              \
        fprintf (FILE, "\t.version\t\"01.01\"\n");                      \
  } while (0)

and many other target header files?  AFAICT this just adds a few more
useless and unused bytes to the executable, requiring "strip
--remove-section=.note" to get rid of them.

Joseph S. Myers

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