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Re: How can I specify the timeout for a simulator during make -k check?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kazu Hirata" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 12:45 PM

> I am having trouble specifying the timeout for a simulator during make
> -k check.  I specified tings like
> set_board_info gcc,timeout 30
> set timeout 30
> in various files (remote.exp, h8300-sim.exp, etc), but still my
> simulator (h8300-hms-run) keeps running more thn a minute.  Could
> somebody point me to the right direction?  I have been doing a test
> for 12 hours or so, but it is still running.  Obviously I need to
> specify a resonable timeout for the stuff in gcc.c-torture/execute.

    Hi Kazu,

  I found this

    if [board_info $dest exists sim_time_limit] {
 set sim_time_limit [board_info $dest sim_time_limit];
    } else {
 set sim_time_limit 240

in /usr/local/share/dejagnu/config/sim.exp.  So it might work if you try
setting that variable in your board info instead.  I assume (but could
easily be wrong) that the gcc timeout only applies to compilations performed
by the test harness.


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