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Re: Drop VMS?

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 10:11:12PM -0800, Zack Weinberg wrote:
> - VMS support code is are responsible for >75% of the disgusting hacks
>   in the config directory.

Clarification: VMS *host* code is responsible for >75% of the
*host-specific* disgusting hacks...

There isn't anything glaringly wrong with the VMS *target* code,
except that there's a few things in it that belong in host
configuration, e.g. a definition of DIR_SEPARATOR.  Probably no one's
ever tried to cross-compile to VMS.

There would be no harm done in keeping the target code around; it
wouldn't work, but it would save reinventing wheels if and when the
host side got re-created.  (The wheels on the host side badly need to
be reinvented, properly this time.)


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