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Re: 3.0 Branch

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Neil Booth wrote:

> Let's change the version number of the branch to something else, so we
> can tell whether the test results are of the branch or HEAD.

Perhaps 2.98 on the branch and 3.1 for HEAD, if we don't want to change to
3.0 on the branch yet?

Also, could the cron job that updates [vV]ersion.c files be made to run on
the branch as well as HEAD, so we can tell from when on the branch test
results were?

I'll ask again: could the crontab(s) involved in running the GCC project
(e.g. updating version.c, running snapshots), and all scripts run from
them, be placed in CVS (with appropriate auto-checkout arrangements when
changes are made to them) (and run from some dedicated gcccron or similar
account rather than anyone's personal account), so proposed patches can be
sent for issues such as this updating of version dates on the branch?

Joseph S. Myers

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