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RE: Copyright years

Axel Kittenberger wrote:

> What exactly do the years mean? 
> Okay, from the message below I now know now exactly what they mean 
> :o) but what are they really good for?

An even more interesting question is implied by this sentence from the
original memo:

> The list of year numbers should include each year in which you 
> finished preparing a version which was actually released, and 
> which was an ancestor of the current version.

Does this mean we have to remove the year 2000 everywhere, because we
didn't issue an actual release of GCC in that year ?

Or do we cop out and consider Red Hat's 7.0 "2.96" compiler a "release
which was an ancestor of the current version" ?

1/2 :-)

Toon Moene, KNMI, PO Box 201, 3730 AE De Bilt, The Netherlands.
Tel. +31302206443, Fax +31302210407,  e-mail

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