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Re: Using NLS in the regression checker

On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 07:30:15PM +0200, Philipp Thomas wrote:
> Geoff,
> while grumbling over yet another file removed from the source tree but not
> from, it suddenly dawned on me that it may be possible to
> activate NLS in the regression checker. That way the regression checker
> would catch these cases and the usefullnes of the NLS support wouldn't rely
> on me making regular compiles.
> Note that you don't need the the gettext tools installed in order to check.
> Just do a 'make stamp-check-po' in gcc/po and it'll fail if
> hasn't been kept up-to-date.

I suggest 'make -k stamp-check-pot' instead.  The -k gets you a
complete list of all the removed files, the trailing t is a typo.

This doesn't help with *added* files, any idea how to detect them?


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