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namespace illogic or bug?


I did run into a weird behaviour of namespace and I was wondering
if this is the way the Standard meant it to be, or that it is a bug...

Consider the following program:

namespace A {
  int i;

namespace AB {
  using namespace A;
  int i;

namespace C {
  using namespace AB;

int main(void)
  C::i = 1;
  return 0;

This compiles fine, as it should.
C::i is taken as AB::i, which is directly declared in AB and thus hides A::i.

Now change main() to read:

int main(void)
  using namespace C;
  i = 3;
  j = 4;
  return 0;

This does NOT compile because: use of `i' is ambiguous   first declared as `int AB::i' here   also declared as `int A::i' here

The logic of this escapes me, and I am wondering if this is really
the behaviour that the Standard is intending.  Can someone shine a light
on this for me please?

Carlo Wood <>                        -=- Jesus Loves you -=-

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