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Re: Large number of gas warnings compiling linux kernel....

On Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 11:00:05AM -0400, Scott Bambrough wrote:
> Hi guys,
> The following code is a reduced example of what I get from compiling a "C"
> file with only one line: "#include <linux/module.h>".  I'm not sure what is
> correct here.  I'm sure the compiler has no idea of what the attributes on
> .modinfo should be or that it has been declared since it is declared in an
> __asm__ statement.  I think this particular code works by luck, based on
> what the assembler does.  Is there a more appropriate way to declare a
> a section for the compiler?  This code generates a large number of warnings
> with the mainline gas compiling the linux kernel.

I thought the kernel source did that on purpose to prevent the compiler
set the "wrong" attributes on the .modinfo section. But the new
assembler complains about it.


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