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20000508 g++ fails to compile mux function.

  The following source fails to compile with
  sh-elf gcc version 2.96 20000508 (experimental)
  sh-elf for the Hitachi SH Processor.

  with the following cmdline:

  	sh-elf-gcc -xc++ -c mux.c

  The same file compiles fine with:

	sh-elf-gcc -c mux.c

  splitting the OR into 2 parts also fixes the problem also the same file compiles fine with
sh-coff-gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

/* --- Start of file --- */

typedef char bool; /* needed for 'c' build */

bool in0 ;
bool in1 ;
bool in2 ;
bool in3 ;
bool in4 ;
bool in5 ;
bool in6 ;
bool in7 ;
bool in8 ;
bool in9 ;
bool in10;
bool in11;
bool in12;
bool in13;
bool in14;
bool in15;
unsigned int output;

void mux(void)
  output =
      (in0   ?  0x0001 : 0) |
      (in1   ?  0x0002 : 0) |
      (in2   ?  0x0004 : 0) |
      (in3   ?  0x0008 : 0) |
      (in4   ?  0x0010 : 0) |
      (in5   ?  0x0020 : 0) |
      (in6   ?  0x0040 : 0) |
      (in7   ?  0x0080 : 0) |
      (in8   ?  0x0100 : 0) |
      (in9   ?  0x0200 : 0) |
      (in10  ?  0x0400 : 0) |
      (in11  ?  0x0800 : 0) |
      (in12  ?  0x1000 : 0) |
      (in13  ?  0x2000 : 0) |
      (in14  ?  0x4000 : 0) |
      (in15  ?  0x8000 : 0) ;

/* --- END OF FILE --- */

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