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Re: document inconsistant?

Joe Buck wrote:

> Perhaps my use of the word "random" confused you: the behavior will be
> fixed for any given compiler setting.
> You need to debug your program.  If you're stuck, you'll need to send in
> the exact source so others can debug it.

After I remove all those code not related to the problem, I come up with
the following piece of code that cause problem on my system. Seems that
comparison of  double in ind_table_parser::findLm is the source of the bus
error. if I remove it, the program works fine. (makefile , .h, .cc is attached.)

sys info:
sun-90% uname -a
SunOS sun-90 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

sun-90% gcc -v
Reading specs from
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

sun-90% make
gcc -O2 -g -Wall -c -o ind_table_parser.o
gcc -O2 -g -Wall -lm -lstdc++ -o cpp_test ind_table_parser.o

sun-90% ./cpp_test
Begin the test program...
Bus error (core dumped)

Somebody can kindly have a look? Thanks!



#include <iostream>
#include "ind_table_parser.h"

int main()
	double Lm;
	ind_table_parser ind_t;

	cout << "Begin the test program...\n";
	Lm = ind_t.findLm(200000, 200000, 800, 800, 1000, 1000, 3000, 0, 0, 1e10);
	cout << "Lm: " << Lm << "\n";

	return (0);
#include "ind_table_parser.h"

 * Implementation of the table calss     *

double ind_table_parser::findLm(int length1, int length2, int width1,
				int width2, int thick1, int thick2,
				int space, int v_distance,
				int displace, double freq)

//	if((freq > (1e11*10.0)) || (freq < (1e9/10.0))) {
	if(freq > 1e10) {
		return (1.0);

	return (0.0);

#ifndef __ind_table_parser_h
#define __ind_table_parser_h

 * Define the table calss     *
class ind_table_parser { 

	double findLm(int l1, int l2, int w1, int w2, int t1,
		      int t2, int s , int v , int d, double freq);


# Makefile for inductance calculation library
# author: Min Xu
# date: 2000-01-25
# build both the test program and the library

# for solaris
CC = gcc

CFLAGS = -O2 -g -Wall
#CFLAGS = -msupersparc -O2 -Wall


all:	cpp_test

ind_table_parser.o: ind_table_parser.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o ind_table_parser.o

cpp_test: ind_table_parser.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -lm -lstdc++ -o cpp_test ind_table_parser.o

	rm -f c_test cpp_test matrix_test demo_test full_model *.class *.o out *.lib core

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