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Permission for Research

Dear GCC Project Members,

# Sorry for consuming bandwidth for the secondary matter.

I am a student studying the innovations of open-source software
development. I'm now tackling the research question, "Why and how can
open-source development achieve innovations while members are
geographically dispersed?"

This brief message is to ask you for the permission to analyze the
email messages posted to the project's mailing list. I plan to analyze
the messages to obtain data, such as the average number of messages,
the transition of the numbers, etc. When searching for open-source
projects, I found GCC the best because of its sophisticated products
and open-style development.

Although I consulted Mr. Jeffrey A Law, he answered that he's not sure
about the matter and I should consult my lawyer. Since I need the
informal OK'ing by each rather than the legal permission, I would like
to ask you directly whether you mind or not.

I promise that I'll use the data only for academic research and
publish the data only in research journals and conferences. I don't
have any intention to make a profit from the research. In addition, I
disguise all the private information, such as mail addresses and URLs.
When I cite a message in a paper, I will always ask the sender for the

# If you mind my analyzing the messages, please reply. 

I hope my research will contribute to the progress of open-source
software. (I am also an enthusiastic user of GCC always admiring your
excellent work.)


Yutaka Yamauchi

Ishida Laboratory Room 311
Department of Social Informatics
Graduate School of Informatics.
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
phone: +81-75-753-5389 fax: +81-75-753-4820

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