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Exceptions and C-callbacks?

Hi all,

A quick question, before I investigate further. My application uses a
function from a C-library (an event handler) that does a callback to a
static function in my application class which in turn calls some C++
code (via a stored 'this' pointer).

  Application -> C-event handler -> C-callback -> C++ callback handler.

My problem: the C++ callback handler can throw exceptions, but they
are never caught in the application and result in an 'Abort!'.

Is this a normal feature of GCC's exception handling mechanism, i.e.
does the C-callback stuff intercept exceptions in some way?

I'm using DJGPP here by the way, this may be a DOS related issue..
If my problem is not due to GCC's exception handler, I'll make a
isolated testcase.


        Rob Kramer

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