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Re: new port contributing (ATMEL AVR)

> Now I want to contribute my work (port for ATMEL AVR) to the FSF.


> Must I split my port to files ?

Perhaps one of the maintainers will give detailed instructions. Based
on past experience, I recommend to split this up into manageable
chunks. I recommend the following strategy:

- make one patch for the config subdirectory. I guess this patch, on its
  own, won't produce any conflicts with existing files, and will consist
  of all-new files. Maybe a tar file would be even more appropriate,
  together with the ChangeLog entry.

- make a patch adding all the configuration infrastructure. I don't
  know how large that patch would be, but ideally, it would be only changes, plus the rebuild configure, plus the ChangeLog

- make a patch collection any additional changes that you made to the
  compiler. Ideally, you would not need such a patch. If you do need it,
  you'll probably have to explain in detail why you need it.

> I don't know how it will be work with another frontends.
> Is this significant ?

I don't think so; having a C compiler for that architecture is more
than nothing (which we'd have if the patch is rejected). If there is
need for other front-ends on the chip, and if they don't just work
out-of-the-box, people can always fix them later.


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