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Re: help with specs files

Hi Marty,

: Is there any tutorials/documentation on specs files (geez,
: I recall asking this 10 years ago...)  The best thing I've
: found is reading gcc.c (which isn't my prefered way).

There is now a section documenting spec files in invoke.texi.

: Also, how can I specifiy a path so all the start/end files will
: be found in this path?  (instead of hacking at each element of the
: specs files).

You can use the -B command line switch to add search paths to gcc.

: Is there a limitation that everything for an entry has to be on
: one line?  IMHO, this is pretty cumbersome.  Is there any thought
: to getting around this limitation?

Err, what do you mean by an "entry" ?  Spec files themselves can
contain multiple lines so Ia mnot quite sure what you are asking about


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