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Server & Network upgrades

Sorry I was unable to send this out earlier.  I ended up in meetings all
of last week and couldn't update everyone on the upgrades that were installed
last week and over the weekend.

First, Cygnus has installed another T1 link to help with the ever increasing
bandwidth requirements for hosting GCC and other open source projects.  I
believe the last bandwidth report indicated we were pumping 45+G for http
and ftp access, another 1-2G for mailing lists and an unknown (but large) 
sum for CVS access.

Second, Cygnus (Jason Molenda in particular) installed a new server for the
open source projects hosted at Cygnus.  The old server had pegged out in
the spring/early summer; Jason & I had been nursing it along until we had
the new server ready.

The new server should have enough disk space, IO bandwidth & processing power
to fill our expected needs for the next 18-24 months.

At some point in the future, the old server will be resurrected as a dedicated
anonymous CVS server for Cygnus hosted open source projects.  Additionally, we
will also begin to establish anonymous CVS mirrors as host sites express
interest and resource availability.

If you are having problems with the new server, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

Thanks for your patience,

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