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Re: Y2K status of "gcc"

On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Barber, Bill wrote:
> I am in the process of documenting Y2K compliance of all of our Unix
> software.  We currently have "gcc" version 2.8.1 installed on all 9 of
> our Unix servers.  Is this version Y2K compliant, or do we need to
> upgrade to version 2.95.1?

Upgrading certainly is a good idea, as there has been a lot of progress
between GCC 2.8.1 and 2.95.1.

That said, does have some more
detailed version on Y2K, one of the subpages there explicitely mentions
GCC 2.8.1.

Some quote from that page:

  The Free Software Foundation does not provide warranties for its
  software. We can't afford to. So we can't promise that GNU software has
  no Year 2000 bugs, any more than we could promise you the same thing
  about another sort of bug. But we can tell you some reasons why such
  bugs are probably very few.

> I am sure you see this question a lot.  Could you post a Y2K statement
> on your Web site?

Well, it is already on the main GNU page, but I'll add a link from the
GCC website there in a minute...

Gerald "Jerry"

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