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Re: Strange behaviour in C++...

Using Borland 5.0 on WinNT:
Alfa 1=42
Alfa 2=42
Alfa 1=47
Alfa 2=47

>The code below compiled with 2.95.1 (19990816) 
>(on a RedHat 5.2 system i386) produces:
>Alfa 1=42
>Alfa 2=42
>Alfa 1=47
>Alfa 2=134580865
>Shouldn't Alfa 2 be 47 in the second creation?
>struct Alfa
>        virtual int alfa() = 0;
>struct Beta
>struct Gamma
>struct Alfa_i : public virtual Alfa                
>        int a;
>        Alfa_i (int aa) : a (aa)
>        {
>        }        
>        int alfa ()
>        {
>                return a;
>        }
>struct Beta_i : public virtual Beta,
>                public Alfa_i
>        Beta_i (int bb) : Alfa_i (bb)
>        {
>                cerr << "Alfa 1=" << alfa ()<< endl;
>                Alfa *a = this;
>                cerr << "Alfa 2=" << a->alfa ()<< endl;                
>        }
>struct Gamma_i : public virtual Gamma,
>                 public Beta_i
>        Gamma_i (int cc) 
>                        : Beta_i (cc)
>        {}
>int main ()
>        Beta_i *b = new Beta_i (42);
>        cerr << "BetaAlfa=" << b->alfa() << endl;
>        Gamma_i *g = new Gamma_i (47);
>        cerr << "GammaAlfa=" << g->alfa() << endl;
>        Alfa *a = g;
>        cerr << "AlfaGammaAlfa=" << a->alfa() << endl;        
Christopher R. Jones, P.Eng.
14 Oneida Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2E3
Tel. 416 203-7465
Fax. 416 203-3044

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