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Re: Problem with auto_prt copy-ctor under last several versions of g++.

Benjamin Scherrey <> writes:

| This is actually a problem that's been around for a little while but I
| forgot about it until just recently when I installed 2.95.1 on my
| intel linux system. I've got some code that uses the auto_ptr type
| defined in the include file 'memory'. My code's a bit too large to be
| used as a good test case example but the issue is probably apparent to
| the g++ maintainers (or is this just an STL issue?).
| At line 37 of the include file 'memory' is a constructor for auto_ptr
| that takes a non-const auto_ptr&. There is no explicit copy ctor that
| takes a const auto_ptr&. 

Well, this is a C++ specific issue.  autor_ptr<T> is designed on
purpose to not be CopyConstructible nor Assignable; hence you can't
put it in a container and expect any reasonable behaviour.

-- Gaby

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