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Heavy use of C++ templates in gcc-2.95 fails

Ulrich W. Eisenecker and Krzysztof Czarnecki developed
a C++ programming technique that they call
Template-Metaprogramming. Sample code is available from

And documentation from

"metactrl" is a header file that provides control
structures and "metaxmpl.cpp" is an example using
The header file claims, that

// This implementation uses member templates and has been tested with the
// Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 compiler. Partial specialization and partial ordering of
// templates are not used.

The compilation failes with gcc-2.95. Could one of the
G++ wizards at least take a look at the problem? The code
looks fine to me, but I'm not a C++ language lawyer...

BTW, the concept is really interesting. You might want
to look at the code from pure curiosity. The authors will 
publish a book with "Addison Wesley" that might become a 
classic like "Design Patterns". It would be nice if one could
use their ideas and code with gcc.

GMD-IPSI, Dolivostr. 15, Zimmer 120, D-64293 Darmstadt
+49-6151-869-786 (Phone), -818 (FAX)

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