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Re: RFC: line endings and specs parser

  In message <>you write:
  > My second attempt worked much better, but at the expense of a bit of
  > memory and some processing overhead. After reading the specs using
  > read(), I allocate a 2nd buffer, copy the 1st onto 2nd using the 
  > following simple logic:
  >   for each character in input buffer,
  >     - if '\r', transform to '\n'.
  >       - if next character is '\n', advance input pointer (ie, just skip).
  >     - copy to output buffer
  > This should handle EOL styles of \n, \r\n and \r.
  > Comments? Is this worth it?
I would try to write this code in the cleanest possible manner.  I can't
imagine that spec file reading is anywhere near the critical path for the


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