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loop unrolling problems


This is for:

gcc -v
Reading specs from /home/dann/build/egcs-2906/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1/gcc-2.95/specs
gcc version gcc-2.95 19990629 (prerelease

The following simple code: 

  register int    k;
  float  x[1002], y[1002];
  for (k=1; k<=999; k++){
    x[k] = y[k+1] - y[k];

when compiled with: gcc -save-temps -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -funroll-all-loops

generates the following sparc assembly (just the loop): 
(the comments are mine)

	ld	[%g1], %f2      ! load y[k]
	add	%o7, 4, %g2
	ld	[%g1+4], %f4    ! load y[k+1]
	add	%o7, 8, %g3
	fsubs	%f4, %f2, %f4
	add	%o7, 12, %i0
	add	%o7, 16, %i1
	add	%o7, 20, %i2
	add	%o7, 24, %i3
	st	%f4, [%o7+%g4]  ! store x[k]
	ld	[%g1+4], %f2    ! load y[k+1] again!!!
	add	%o7, 28, %i4
	ld	[%g1+8], %f3
	add	%o7, 32, %i5
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f3
	add	%o0, 9, %o0
	add	%o7, 36, %o7
	cmp	%o0, 999
	st	%f3, [%g2+%g4]

so you would think that this program has to do 1000 loads, but it
actualy does 1998...

I thought that gcc might not know that the y[k] store cannot clobber
x[k] in this case so I tried the equivalent fortran program (with g77):

      REAL X(1002)
      REAL Y(1002)

      DO 9, K=1,999


        ld      [%o0-4], %f2
        addcc   %o3, -9, %o3
        ld      [%o1], %f3
        fsubs   %f3, %f2, %f3
        st      %f3, [%o2]
        ld      [%o0], %f3
        ld      [%o1+4], %f2
        fsubs   %f2, %f3, %f2
        st      %f2, [%o2+4]
        ld      [%o0+4], %f2
        ld      [%o1+8], %f3
        fsubs   %f3, %f2, %f3
        st      %f3, [%o2+8]

as you can see, again, the same problem. 

This kind of loop appears quite frequently in fortran codes, so I bet
the fortran quys won't be too happy about this...

Well then let's hold gcc's hand and tell it that the 2 arrays cannot
overlap, using restrict (if my understanding of how restrict works is

test (float * __restrict__ x, float * __restrict__ y)
  register int    k;

  for (k=1; k<=999; k++){
    x[k] = y[k+1] - y[k];

  register int    k;
  float  x[1002], y[1002];

  test (x,y);

	ld	[%g1], %f3
	add	%g4, 4, %g2
	ld	[%g4+%o7], %f2
	add	%g4, 8, %g3
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	add	%g4, 12, %i0
	add	%g4, 16, %i1
	add	%g4, 20, %i2
	add	%g4, 24, %i3
	st	%f2, [%g4+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+4], %f3
	add	%g4, 28, %i4
	ld	[%g2+%o7], %f2
	add	%g4, 32, %i5
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	add	%g4, 36, %g4
	addcc	%o1, -9, %o1
	st	%f2, [%g2+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+8], %f3
	ld	[%g3+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%g3+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+12], %f3
	ld	[%i0+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%i0+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+16], %f3
	ld	[%i1+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%i1+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+20], %f3
	ld	[%i2+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%i2+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+24], %f3
	ld	[%i3+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%i3+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+28], %f3
	ld	[%i4+%o7], %f2
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	st	%f2, [%i4+%o0]
	ld	[%g1+32], %f3
	ld	[%i5+%o7], %f2
	add	%g1, 36, %g1
	fsubs	%f3, %f2, %f2
	bpos	.LL6
	st	%f2, [%i5+%o0]

the same problem, too many loads

It looks like when it unrolls the loop gcc cannot tell that some of
the array elements are the same, so it does not need to load them

The weird thing is if I unroll the loop by hand: 

  register int    k;
  double  x[1002], y[1002];    
  for (k=1; k<=999; k+=2){
    x[k] = y[k+1] - y[k];
    x[k + 1] = y[k + 2] - y[k + 1];

I still get too many loads. 

But if I make the 2 arrays globals, the the generated code is the following:

	ld	[%o0+%g1], %f4
	add	%o0, 8, %i2
	ld	[%o7+%g1], %f2
	add	%o7, 8, %g3
	ld	[%o1], %f7
	fsubs	%f4, %f2, %f2
	ld	[%o1+8], %f3
	add	%o0, 16, %i4
	ld	[%i2+%g1], %f6
	add	%o7, 16, %g2
	fsubs	%f7, %f4, %f7
	ld	[%g3+%g1], %f8
	st	%f2, [%o7+%g4]
	ld	[%o1+16], %f5
	add	%o0, 24, %i5
	fsubs	%f3, %f6, %f3
	ld	[%i4+%g1], %f9
	st	%f7, [%o0+%g4]
	ld	[%g2+%g1], %f4
	add	%o7, 24, %i1
	fsubs	%f6, %f8, %f8
	ld	[%o1+24], %f7
	add	%o0, 32, %i3
	ld	[%i5+%g1], %f11
	add	%o7, 32, %i0
	fsubs	%f9, %f4, %f4
	st	%f8, [%g3+%g4]
	ld	[%i1+%g1], %f6
	st	%f3, [%i2+%g4]
	ld	[%i3+%g1], %f10
	fsubs	%f5, %f9, %f5
	st	%f4, [%g2+%g4]
	ld	[%i0+%g1], %f3
	add	%o2, 10, %o2
	ld	[%o1+32], %f2
	fsubs	%f11, %f6, %f6
	st	%f5, [%i4+%g4]
	add	%o1, 40, %o1
	add	%o0, 40, %o0
	add	%o7, 40, %o7
	fsubs	%f7, %f11, %f7
	st	%f6, [%i1+%g4]
	cmp	%o2, 999
	fsubs	%f10, %f3, %f3
	st	%f7, [%i5+%g4]
	fsubs	%f2, %f10, %f2
	st	%f3, [%i0+%g4]
	ble	.LL6
	st	%f2, [%i3+%g4]

so now there are less loads...

A very useful tool to use when playing with this is "ifreq" from the
SHADE/Spixtoools package available for download from Sun, it can count
the number and type of instructions executed by certain function.


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