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g77: Namelist entry as dummy argument: permitted by the Standard.

Hi Craig,

As I helped write up the interface between the Fortran Frontend and
libf2c on the handling of namelists, this could very wel be my fault:

      subroutine a(i)
      namelist /nam/ i

evokes (gcc-2.95 prerelease):

$ /usr/rel/bin/g77 nam.f
nam.f: In subroutine `a':
         subroutine a(i)
nam.f:2: (continued):
         namelist /nam/ i
Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `i' at (2) [initially seen
at (1)]

However, this is not prohibited by the Standard:

5.5 Namelist statement:



A namelist-group-object shall not be an array dummy argument with a
nonconstant bound, a variable with a nonconstant character length, an
automatic object, a pointer, an allocatable variable, or a variable that
has an ultimate component that is a pointer or allocatable.


[ the wording is that of the upcoming F2K standard, but the crux remains
  the same: scalar dummy arguments are not excluded ]

Toon Moene (
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 346 214290; Fax: +31 346 214286
GNU Fortran:

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