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Re: (Getting rid of) man pages

> If you want to get rid of manpages, first get out an info stand-alone reader
> that is easy to use, *merges seamlessly with existing manpages*, and is 
> easy to use.

Before we get into a war over info format again, remember that Texinfo,
not info, is the source format, and texi2html, or TeX with texinfo.tex,
gives pretty good output.

> For an automatic conversion, I've found a tool in our ports tree that is 
> called rman, and is supposed to convert formatted man pages back to 
> unformatted nroff.

That tool presumably tries to turn the kinds of files found in
/usr/man/cat1/... into nroff man files.

> I'll try to give it a run on invoke.texi.

It's not going to work.  We need something that translates things
like @samp, @itemize, @section, etc into their nroff equivalents.
rman will be more likely to work on the *output* -- the part of that is generated from invoke.texi.

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