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egcs19990321 snapshot rejects linux v.2.2.4 kernel includes

Code which includes <asm/posix_types.h> (see the end of the post) fails
with egsc 19990321 snapshot release on linux 2.2.4 with the message:

"fixed or forbidden register 2 (cx) was spilled for class CREG".

It looks like the old well known problem but... (Yes I read the FAQ).

1. The kernel files are from the version 2.2.4 (not 2.0.x).

2. The problem affects building other programs not the linux kernel
(actualy I didn't try to compile kernel with this egsc version, I tried to
compile gdb).

3. The explanation in the FAQ doesn't help anyway. The assembler statement
is correct according to the FAQ - register cx is not "marked as clobbered".


/* this is an extract from <linux/posix_types.h>*/

#define __NFDBITS       (8 * sizeof(unsigned long))
#define __FD_SETSIZE    1024

typedef struct {
        unsigned long fds_bits [__FDSET_LONGS];
} __kernel_fd_set;

/* and this is from <asm/posix_types.h>*/

#define __FD_ZERO(fdsetp) \
do { \
        int __d0, __d1; \
        __asm__ __volatile__("cld ; rep ; stosl" \
                        :"=m" (*(__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)), \
                          "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1) \
                        :"a" (0), "1" (__FDSET_LONGS), \
                        "2" ((__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)) : "memory"); \
} while (0)

/* and now I'm trying to use it */

void t(){
        __kernel_fd_set fd;


Rimantas Plaipa,

Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Vilnius University,
Ciurlionio 21/27, Vilnius 2009, Lithuania.

Phone: (370-2)-650381 
Fax: (370-2)-235049

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