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Hi all.  Here's another bug that is probably useless to you because
you can't reproduce it :(.  Nevertheless:

What could possibly be causing this (I am still using egcs-1.1.1 release,
and binutils-

g++ -shared -Wl,-soname, -o -fpic  version.o ./buffers/dbstreambuf.o ./crosslink/crosslink.o ./ffstl/ffstl.o ./io/file.o ./io/pipe.o ./io/sock.o ./io/traits.o ./kernel/debugdaemon.o ./kernel/events.o ./kernel/execve.o ./kernel/select.o ./kernel/timing.o ./kernel/signals.o ./kernel/libr_app.o ./llists/cbll.o ./llists/expire.o ./llists/sbll.o ./net/inet_support.o ./support/debugdebugcheckpoint.o ./support/debugmalloc.o ./support/ostream_operators.o ./support/support.o ./support/sys.o ./support/syslog.o ./support/debug.o ./support/demangle.o ./utils/bcd2str.o ./utils/buf2str.o ./utils/char2str.o ./utils/strerrno.o
./support/debugdebugcheckpoint.o: In function `global constructors keyed to int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)':
/usr/local/egcs/include/g++/stl_algobase.h:427: multiple definition of `global constructors keyed to int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)'
./llists/cbll.o:/home/carlo/c++/libr/src/llists/../../include/libr/debug.h:102: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I think this must be a bug because I didn't change really anything big
when this suddenly started to happen :/.

The above is after a 'make clean' (make depend) (ie, all object files
were recompiled).

Below the full output of nm:

~/c++/libr>nm -C src/support/debugdebugcheckpoint.o
00000058 ? .LBE2
00000077 ? .LBE3
00000000 ? .LM1
00000000 ? .LM10
00000003 ? .LM11
00000004 ? .LM12
00000018 ? .LM13
00000030 ? .LM14
00000043 ? .LM15
00000050 ? .LM16
00000058 ? .LM17
00000070 ? .LM18
00000077 ? .LM19
00000003 ? .LM2
00000003 ? .LM3
00000018 ? .LM4
00000024 ? .LM5
00000028 ? .LM6
00000034 ? .LM7
00000040 ? .LM8
00000058 ? .LM9
0000005c ? .Lscope0
0000007b ? .Lscope1
00000000 ? .Ltext1
00000004 T global constructors keyed to int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000000 b libr::debug::continued_cf
         U libr::debug::continued_cf_st::continued_cf_st(unsigned int)
00000024 r __WORD_BIT
00000000 W int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000000 W bool lexicographical_compare<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000020 r malloc_report

~/c++/libr>nm -C src/llists/cbll.o
00000058 ? .LBE2
00000077 ? .LBE3
00000000 ? .LM1
00000000 ? .LM10
00000003 ? .LM11
00000004 ? .LM12
00000018 ? .LM13
00000030 ? .LM14
00000043 ? .LM15
00000050 ? .LM16
00000058 ? .LM17
00000070 ? .LM18
00000077 ? .LM19
00000003 ? .LM2
00000004 ? .LM23
00000052 ? .LM24
00000004 ? .LM25
00000052 ? .LM26
00000004 ? .LM27
00000054 ? .LM28
00000004 ? .LM29
00000003 ? .LM3
00000042 ? .LM30
00000018 ? .LM4
00000024 ? .LM5
00000028 ? .LM6
00000034 ? .LM7
00000040 ? .LM8
00000058 ? .LM9
0000005c ? .Lscope0
0000007b ? .Lscope1
00000059 ? .Lscope3
00000059 ? .Lscope4
0000005b ? .Lscope5
00000049 ? .Lscope6
00000000 ? .Ltext1
00000004 T global constructors keyed to int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000000 b libr::debug::continued_cf
         U libr::debug::continued_cf_st::continued_cf_st(unsigned int)
000000f8 r __WORD_BIT
         U __rtti_class
         U __rtti_ptr
         U __rtti_user
00000004 W sbll_base_ct type_info function
00000004 W sbll_list_ct type_info function
         U sbll_node_ct type_info function
00000004 W __tfP12sbll_list_ct
00000004 W __tfP12sbll_node_ct
00000008 C sbll_base_ct type_info node
00000010 C sbll_list_ct type_info node
         U sbll_node_ct type_info node
0000000c C __tiP12sbll_list_ct
0000000c C __tiP12sbll_node_ct
000000f2 r ident_llists_defs_h
00000000 W int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000000 W bool lexicographical_compare<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000020 r malloc_report
00000000 d rcs_ident
000000c0 r rcs_ident_llists_cbll_h
00000100 r rcs_ident_llists_crosslink_h

Perhaps interesting to note that both files hardly contain any source code.
I'll even dump them here (didn't do that before -indeed- because of license

---Start of
// $Header: /usr/src/CVS/libr/src/support/,v 1.3 1999/02/04 01:46:25 carlo Exp $
// Author:
// 1024/624ACAD5 1997/01/26 Carlo Wood, Run on IRC <>
// Key fingerprint = 32 EC A7 B6 AC DB 65 A6  F6 F6 55 DD 1C DC FF 61
// Get key from pgp-public-keys server or
// finger for public key (dialin, try at 21-22h GMT).

#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "libr/sys.h"
#include "libr/h.h"
#include "libr/debug.h"
#include "libr/debugdebugcheckpoint.h"

RCSTAG_CC("$Id:,v 1.3 1999/02/04 01:46:25 carlo Exp $")

extern const void *malloc_block_start(const void *ptr);
void debugdebugcheckpoint(void)
  static int counter = 0;
#endif // DEBUGDEBUG

Note: debugdebugcheckpoint.h is completely empty (everything is between
      #ifdef DEBUGDEBUG, which isn't defined).
      h.h only contains "using namespace std;"
      sys.h and debug.h both start with a "#pragma interface" and should
      be generating any code therefore.

---Start of
// $Header: /usr/src/CVS/libr/src/llists/,v 1.2 1998/08/06 00:33:47 carlo Exp $
// Author:
// 1024/624ACAD5 1997/01/26 Carlo Wood, Run on IRC <>
// Key fingerprint = 32 EC A7 B6 AC DB 65 A6  F6 F6 55 DD 1C DC FF 61
// Get key from pgp-public-keys server or
// finger for public key (dialin, try at 21-22h GMT).

#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation "cbll.h"
#pragma implementation "llists_crosslink.h"
#include "libr/sys.h"
#include "libr/h.h"
#include "libr/cbll.h"  // Generates code

RCSTAG_CC("$Id:,v 1.2 1998/08/06 00:33:47 carlo Exp $")

"libr/cbll.h" and "llists_crosslink.h" do NOT contain a "#pragma interface"
because that only made the total code grow.  Commenting out the
"#pragma implementation ..." lines aboves doesn't make a difference.


_Adding_ a "#pragma interface" to "cbll.h" anyway removed the problem though;
but as posted before - that makes the total size of the code grow ;).


In the past days I *only* changed and debugmalloc.h.
These seem to have nothing to do with the above :/
Nevertheless, mentioned in the error is debug.h:102:

    const continued_cf_st continued_cf(continued_cf_maskbit);

which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I am working on.
(I changed the parameter of a function that is called from most
 constructors to pass typeid(this) instead of typeid(this).name()).

I'll add the "#pragma interface" to "cbll.h" as a work around for now.

The output of nm after adding this #pragma interface is indeed a lot

~/c++/libr>nm -C src/llists/cbll.o
00000020 ? .LBB30
<...very long list of labels deleted...>
0000013c ? .LM99
0000002d ? .Lscope12
00000050 ? .Lscope14
00000038 ? .Lscope15
00000059 ? .Lscope16
00000059 ? .Lscope17
000000c6 ? .Lscope18
00000043 ? .Lscope19
000000df ? .Lscope20
00000146 ? .Lscope21
0000009e ? .Lscope22
000000df ? .Lscope23
0000005b ? .Lscope24
00000049 ? .Lscope25
0000001e ? .Lscope28
00000011 ? .Lscope29
00000059 ? .Lscope31
00000059 ? .Lscope32
0000005c ? .Lscope4
0000007b ? .Lscope5
00000011 ? .Lscope7
00000031 ? .Lscope8
0000003a ? .Lscope9
00000004 ? .Ltext10
00000004 ? .Ltext11
00000004 ? .Ltext12
00000004 ? .Ltext13
00000000 ? .Ltext2
00000000 ? .Ltext4
00000004 ? .Ltext6
00000004 ? .Ltext7
00000004 ? .Ltext8
00000004 ? .Ltext9
000001b4 T cbll_node_ct::~cbll_node_ct(void)
         U sbll_list_ct::~sbll_list_ct(void)
         U sbll_node_ct::~sbll_node_ct(void)
00000004 W crosslink_dct::~crosslink_dct(void)
00000004 W list_tct<sbll_list_ct, crosslink_dct>::~list_tct(void)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::~node_tct(void)
000003c8 T global constructors keyed to cbll_node_ct::cbll_node_ct(void)
00000000 b libr::debug::continued_cf
         U libr::debug::core_dc
         U libr::debug::finish_dc
         U libr::debug::libr_do
         U libr::debug::llists_dc
00000004 T cbll_node_ct::cbll_node_ct(void)
         U sbll_list_ct::sbll_list_ct(void)
         U sbll_node_ct::sbll_node_ct(void)
00000004 W crosslink_dct::crosslink_dct(sbll_node_ct *, void *)
         U libr::debug::continued_cf_st::continued_cf_st(unsigned int)
00000278 r __WORD_BIT
         U __builtin_new
         U ostream::operator<<(char const *)
         U ostream::operator<<(void const *)
         U libr::debug::channel_set_st::operator|(libr::debug::continued_cf_st)
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::operator|(libr::debug::channel_ct const &)
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::operator|(libr::debug::fatal_channel_ct const &)
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::operator|(libr::debug::continued_channel_ct const &)
         U __pure_virtual
         U __rtti_class
         U __rtti_ptr
         U __rtti_si
         U __rtti_user
00000004 W list_tct<sbll_list_ct, crosslink_dct>::list_tct(void)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::node_tct(void)
000003f8 T cbll_node_ct type_info function
00000004 W sbll_base_ct type_info function
00000004 W sbll_list_ct type_info function
         U sbll_node_ct type_info function
00000004 W crosslink_dct type_info function
00000004 W __tfP12sbll_list_ct
00000004 W __tfP12sbll_node_ct
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct> type_info function
0000000c C cbll_node_ct type_info node
00000008 C sbll_base_ct type_info node
00000010 C sbll_list_ct type_info node
         U sbll_node_ct type_info node
0000000c C crosslink_dct type_info node
0000000c C __tiP12sbll_list_ct
0000000c C __tiP12sbll_node_ct
0000000c C node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct> type_info node
00000040 D cbll_node_ct virtual table
00000000 W crosslink_dct virtual table
00000000 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct> virtual table
         U sbll_list_ct::add(sbll_node_ct *, sbll_node_ct *)
00000004 W list_tct<sbll_list_ct, crosslink_dct>::add(crosslink_dct *)
00000048 T cbll_node_ct::add_crosslink(sbll_node_ct *, void *)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::deceased(sbll_node_ct *, void *)
         U sbll_node_ct::del(void)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::del(void)
000000a0 T cbll_node_ct::del_crosslink(sbll_node_ct *)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::delinked(void)
00000000 W crosslink_dct::done(void)
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::done(void)
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::fatal_finish(void)
         U sbll_list_ct::find(void const *) const
00000004 W list_tct<sbll_list_ct, crosslink_dct>::find(void const *)
00000000 W crosslink_dct::find_cmp(void const *) const
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::find_cmp(void const *) const
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::finish(void)
00000272 r ident_llists_defs_h
00000000 W crosslink_dct::insert_cmp(crosslink_dct const &) const
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::insert_cmp(crosslink_dct const &) const
00000004 W node_tct<sbll_node_ct, crosslink_dct>::internal_insert_cmp(sbll_base_ct const &) const
00000000 W int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000000 W bool lexicographical_compare<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)
00000020 r malloc_report
00000000 d rcs_ident
00000240 R rcs_ident_llists_cbll_h
00000280 r rcs_ident_llists_crosslink_h
         U libr::debug::debug_ct::start(void)
00000000 W list_tct<sbll_list_ct, crosslink_dct>::start_node(void)

The reason that this helped is probably the fact that

00000004 T global constructors keyed to int lexicographical_compare_3way<signed char const *, signed char const *>(signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *, signed char const *)

disappeared from cbll.o.

 Carlo Wood  <>

PS I post this to egcs@, not to egcs-bugs@, because I am too well aware that
   this report is useless.  If it is appreciated if I do not post such bugs
   (which probably can't be fixed anyway with the given info), then drop me
   a note and I won't do it anymore in the future :).

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