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Re: kernel-2.2.1-undefined references.

> > Why is that a weakness? If the compiler's optimizer says "this code runs
> > faster when not inlined" (I can think of a couple of reasons why it would
> > even be right doing that...), I'm not qualified to contradict it.
> No, you have it the wrong way around.  The human should be assumed
> smarter than the compiler: if you say that this should be inlined, the
> compiler better not contradict you.

Ive been away so this is a bit of a late final reply

I think both sides are right.

o	The compiler should by default do what it feels is right
	That includes inlining and uninlining code

o	The compiler has to have a way you can tell it "or else".

	extern __inline_or_i_beat_you_to_death__ 

	or similar

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