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Re: eb77.C

> > Since the constructor for strstream is empty, this invokes undefined
> > behaviour.
> It is not empty, and it seems to me that it should not invoke
> undefined behavior.

Look at this code from egcs/libio/strstream.h and tell be what
strstream::strstram () does:

class strstream : public strstreambase, public iostream {
  strstream() { }
    strstream(char *cp, int n, int mode=ios::out) :strstreambase(cp,n,mode){}
    _IO_ssize_t pcount() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->pcount(); }
    char *str() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->str(); }
    void freeze(int n = 1) { ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->freeze(n); }
    int frozen() { return ((strstreambuf*)_strbuf)->frozen(); }

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