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Re: multiple definitions of 'xxx keyed to...' in egcs-1.1.1

>>>>> "Martin v. Loewis" <>:

> For ELF targets, do you really think this is a widely-used approach?
> I'd rather think you'd typically use -ldl and dlopen, which means
> that you have to produce a shared library first. If you do that,
> libdl will call the constructors even though it doesn't have a
> symbol name.

That's what I did and that's where my application croaked.  I
implemented singleton subclasses of an abstract class, and put a
static instance of each class in the compilation unit it was defined

When the .so is loaded the constructor of the singleton is run, and it 
registers itself.

My application croaked on the static instances.  It didn't want more
than one of those in each executable or .so.

For a minimal test case, please see:

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