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Re: problem building linux specific 1.1.1

>>>>> Andreas Schwab <>:

>>> However I'm still getting the problem of the missing "autoheader"
>>> program (on S.u.S.E. 5.3).  Hm... do I need "autoconf" and "GNU m4"
>>> installed on the system...?  Some Deja News messages seems to
>>> indicate this.

> You only need them if you upgrade via a patch, otherwise the
> timestamps will be correct.  Btw, if you use the latest version of
> patch (2.5) you can use `patch -p1 -T', which causes patch to set
> the timestamp from the diff headers.

Hm... I have patch 2.1 it seems.  At least that's what "patch -v"

In any case, I installed the autoconf package from the S.u.S.E. 5.3
distribution, available from eg.
or on the CD.

Now "make boostrap" seems to run OK.


(then it only remains to see if it fixes my shared lib linking problem 
without the binutils alpha which I din't know where to find (or even
*with* it, for that matter)) 

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