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__asm behavior, "+" parameters, and

Assume a sequence of assembler instructions that has only input/output
operands, plus side-effect on memory.

Unless I'm missing something, the simplest way to write this would be
to specify read/write output parameters ("+regclass"), no input parameters,
and clobbers.

The current C parser  can only read asm that look like
asm(instr) or asm(instr : input) or asm(instr : input: output) or
asm(instr : input: output: clobbers), but there is no provision for
asm(instr : input : clobbers).
asm(instr : input : : clobbers) does not work either, results in a syntax

As far as I could tell, there is no possible ambiguity between input/output
and clobbers, so this should be easy to add.

It may be that I'm missing something and there is a good reason to use
the more intricate "=regclass" (par) : "number" (par)  input/output match.
	Marc Espie		
|anime, sf, juggling, unicycle, acrobatics, comics...
|AmigaOS, OpenBSD, C++, perl, Icon, PostScript...
| `real programmers don't die, they just get out of beta'

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