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Re: /internet

On Wed, 16 Dec 98 11:58:08 PST, Joe Buck wrote:

  Amazing.  These guys are trying to turn C into Ada.

If that's true, they are doing it all wrong! :-)
In Ada95 rules have be precisely chosen such to allow 
useful optimizations like these. See my previous message 
where I explain how checks (and as a result operations) 
may be removed. 

Another useful difference is that in Ada evaluations of
functions in "pure" packages are guaranteed to be free of 
side-effects and may reuse results of earlier invocations 
with the same parameters. GCC takes full advantage of this 
by moving them out of loops etc. Of course all elementary 
fpt functions (including complex ones) are defined in pure 
packages and this leads to nice optimizations without sacrifying 
one bit of accuracy.

Those guys should copy these features instead of ones they make up!


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