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Re: b20: c++ bug or feature?

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Andres Heinloo wrote:

> Probably the only thing I can do is to use -fhuge-objects. I could inform
> gtk-- developers, but I don't think they are going to re-implement gtk--.

I realized that I was probably blaming gtk-- with no reason. Looking at
the gtk-- example programs more closely revealed that OhharaDraw declares
a whole bunch of objects inside the class OhharaDraw like this:

class OhharaDraw : public Gtk_Window
// some lines deleted

	Gtk_VBox ohharaDrawVBox;
	Gtk_MenuBar ohharaDrawMenuBar;
	Gtk_Menu fileMenu;
	Gtk_Menu helpMenu;
// etc.

while some other programs just declare _pointers_ to objects: 

class HelloWorld : public Gtk_Window {
   Gtk_Button *b;

// etc.


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