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Re: more than 10 operands in `asm'

On Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 02:00:02AM +0000, Joern Rennecke wrote:
> > Syntax: Names are optional, and consist of the symbol characters up to
> > the colon in an asm constraint string.  Named operands are referenced by
> > %{[A-Za-z_0-9]+}.  A name may duplicated in multiple constraints: that
> > means the same as a number does now (that the operand is shared between
> > input and output).
> That's far to complicated for reload to operate on.  It would have to
> be translated into something simpler in an earlier stage, e.g. in
> expand_asm and/or expand_asm_operands.

Yes, I was thinking the labels get stripped at an early stage from the
constraint strings.  Being prefixes, this is very simple.

The body string of the asm could be converted to a canonical numeric
form when parsed, or the asm RTL could include a field where the
original name -> number mapping is stored, with the output function
using that to substite non-numeric operands at output time.

-- Jamie

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