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Re: problems with -Dalpha or -Di386

  In message <>you write:
  > Hi,
  > bug from comp.os.linux.alpha:
  > #include <stdio.h> 
  > int main(int argc,const char *argv[])
  > {
  >  int i386=1; 
  >  printf("i386=%d\n",i386);
  >  return 0;
  > }
  > results in parse error before `1'
  > (cpp replaces i386 by 1 on x86-machines)
  > this is egcs-1.1b
  > This is not a big problem on x86, 
  > but same thing happens on alpha.
  > alpha is not a seldom used variable name.
  > Doesn't the standard say, defines for the compiler should be
  > prepended by __ or something like that?
Yes.  That's one of the reasons to remove -Dalpha and -Di386.  However, 
removing them has some serious side effects -- imake for example depends
on them (sigh).  We're trying to wean folks from "alpha" and "i386" to
"__alpha__" and "__i386__", but it's a slow process.

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