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Re: Getting patches out of HTML archives (was Re: EGCS web pages)

Jason Molenda wrote:

> Actually, with the current mechanism, cutting-and-pasting will not work
> very often.  Any time you have something that looks like an SGML element,
> like "#include <stdio.h>", the browser is probably going to decide that
> it doesn't know any element called <stdio.h> and it will omit that from
> the output.
> However, the one benefit that we gained by not HTML'ifying code is that
> no matter how the user saves the file, they can run patch on it.  e.g.
> they can save it as "Source" (HTML), and patch will work.  Or they can
> save it as "Plain text" and have a good chance of it working correctly.

You may be able to get the archives served as type text/plain instead
of type text/html as that would mean that the content doesn't get parsed
at all; I believe apache web servers by default serve files with a .txt
extension as text/plain

 David Nicol 816.235.1187 UMKC Network Operations
                          Biosolids are sludge!

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