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Re: [OFFTOPIC] Info files vs Man pages

On 17 Sep 1998, Andreas Schwab wrote:

> |> I don't care. If the text console version of the info program didn't suck
> |> so badly
> Have you actually tried any recent version of the info program?

Yes, I did. It would keep doing weird things like jump to a completely
different page from the one I wanted to see no matter what I did, so gave
up and texi2ps'd them into postscript docs and read them via ghostview.

 /\_/\  Legalise cannabis now! 
( o.o ) Grow some cannabis today!
 > ^ <  Peace, Love, Unity and Respect to all. - *new* - rewritten for text browser users!

Linux tahallah 2.1.121 #40 Thu Sep 10 07:26:39 EDT 1998 i486 unknown

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