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Re: What does this warning mean?

Peter Simons wrote:
> My egcs warns me and I don't have the slightest idea what he's
> complaining about. I am compiling a C++ class which models regular
> expressions in C++. When compiling with "-Wall -ansi -pedantic -O2", I
> get the following warnings:
>  | RegExp.hpp:74: warning: default argument given for parameter 3 of `
>  |         bool RegExec(const class string &, const class RegExp &,
>  |         struct regmatch_t * = 0, size_t = 0, int = 0)'
>  | RegExp.hpp:70: warning: after previous specification in `
>  |         bool RegExec(const class string &, const class RegExp &,
>  |         struct regmatch_t * = 0, size_t = 0, int = 0)'

You should give default arguments only in the first declaration of a
function, neither in subsequent declarations nor in the definition.

Thomas Kunert

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